10 easy tips to reduce smelly feet For people who like to wear sneakers.

The sneaker trend is becoming popular among teenagers. including working age Who want to have a casual look, take a leisurely walk with friends, loved ones, or even go on a trip with the family. Some offices that are not very strict still secretly see employees wearing sneakers to work. Because wearing it makes walking comfortable and agile. This also includes officers. Or employees in factories, hospitals, and many other places where we wear sneakers every day.
But if we don’t take good care of our feet. It may the source of smelly feet. and Hong Kong Foot disease without us knowing at โปรโมชั่น ufabet
Sneakers, socks, the cause of smelly feet foot fungus
When we wear socks and sneakers for a long time until there is accumulated sweat stains There is a chance that fungal germs will occur in the crevices of the fingers and between the nails and become Hong Kong Foot disease, which is the cause of the unpleasant odor. It can also be caused by non-fungal bacteria from our own feet. when mixed with sweat It can cause a musty smell as well.
Some people sweat more than usual. It may not be just the feet. But it also includes excessive sweating in the folds, under the breasts, and armpits, which may require extra care for cleanliness.
How to tell if we have fungus on our feet?
If our feet have fungus It may be possible to notice a red rash on the feet. Found on the soles of the feet, between the fingers and between the nails. There may be flaky skin. and there is itching in that area as well
If there are no such symptoms It could be smelly feet caused by common bacteria.
How to treat feet from Hong Kong feet or foot fungus
You should see a doctor to check again if it is actually caused by fungus. If so, the doctor will prescribe medicine to apply. Along with taking better care of your feet.